Are your noodles naked?

The first thing high net worth clients notice about you is 🔁 synergy!

Are your noodles naked? 🍝

Do your brochures and collateral scream professionalism?

More importantly…

Does everything your prospects see, hear and touch all have the same look?

Are all your marketing funnels talking with one another?

If not, your marketing noodles are naked!

There is a reason why Nike, Coke, Lexis, Coach, McDonalds etc. all spend millions to protect their brand every year.

Because if you picked up something by them and it felt just slightly “off” from the normal, you wouldn’t buy it.

Tough question…

Have you given something to a client or prospect in the last 6 months that was not professionally branded to your firm?

(thank you cards, birthday card, folder, letter, Gift without your brand wrapping, even an email)

You have some naked noodles!

#marketing #Sales #financialadvisor #retirementplanning #highnetworth