Quick Hits: Grateful 4th | Goals are Guesses | Scared People

It’s time to celebrate our birthday! Nothing like a 4th of July party… it’s truly the obnoxious American tradition and I love every second of it. Lots of over cooked meats, melting neon popsicles, watery beer, and things that can blow off your hand in an instant! If those things don’t scream “‘merica,” I’m not…

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Sunday Night QH: Unprecendented :: 401(k)s :: Remain Sane

Does anyone else feel like since sports are back the media has calmed down a little? Maybe it’s just me but it’s almost as if they are taking a little breather… “Phew, we don’t have to write as much now that ESPN has something to talk about! Let’s take a European vacation… oh wait.” The…

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