Quick Hits: NVIDIA Keynote Attracting Wealthy Investors Linkedin Marketing

FIA Report from 2023 Sales

Here are your Quick Hits:

Keynote by NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang

  • This interview is incredible – especially when he goes through what is crucial for success
  • If you don’t want to watch the whole thing I’d suggest going to the 36 min and watching for a few minutes. Love the awkward pauses he has too!
  •  Low expectations due to having setbacks and suffering is what he believes has helped him be so successful.

What The Wealthiest Investors Want From Advisors

  • This is the new version of the age old question “What do women want?”
  • Nobody really knows, but this article has a little bit of data to prove their answer.
  • “The wealthiest investors are particularly interested in working with advisors who help them lead a life of significance and meaning. Consider that nearly a quarter (23.3%) of those with $10 million to $25 million in net worth are extremely or somewhat likely to move more assets to advisors who inquire about their nonfinancial definitions of success.”
  • So in a nutshell – just ask them what they want.

Why Linkedin is Crucial for Your Business in 2024 – GaryVee Podcast

  • DISCLAIMER – If you have not listened to Gary Vee before…make sure your kids are not in the car. He doesn’t hold back on the Explicit language – to put it nicely.
  • That being said – this is an episode where he is speaking at an Insurance Tech conference and brings up some solid points, not just on Linkedin, but on marketing in our industry.
  • Biggest point: The world is changing faster than people realize, and businesses need to adapt to the new era of AI and global connectivity.
  • Content and brand always beats sales in the long run.

Backdoor Roth IRAs Are Promising—and Perilous – WSJ

  • Great article to share in your newsletters this week
  • “Look before you leap into a backdoor Roth, however. While it can be a great move, there are potential pitfalls. Some savers opting in face unexpected tax bills right away plus record-keeping headaches that last for years—or even decades.”
  • “Savers 70 ½ or older have yet another option: Qualified Charitable Distributions, or QCDs, are made with deductible IRA funds and earnings.”