Quick Hits: PSA on Webinars

We interrupt your weekly quick hits with a PSA on webinars…

Webinars are NOT seminars.

I Repeat…

Webinars are NOT seminars… far from it.

I want to tell you a couple stories on how and why webinars are working for some and not for others.

Kyle is a new AE advisor from the DC area. He hosted a women-focused webinar last night and booked almost 45% of his attendees (13/30). (As many of you may have heard, Marvin in St Louis also recently did a women’s webinar and booked roughly 40 appointments.) Brad out of San Diego continues to crush it with Social Security Webinars.

I know we’re banging on this drum, but in panic, some advisors have been way too quick to toss in the towel on various things including webinars. Meanwhile, several others are seeing real wins!
July 1st, Brian in California shared he had 100 registered for a webinar. 42 attended. He set TWO appts and was dejected. That was until Brian decided to just hop on the phone, calling those who didn’t set appts – where he set three more that afternoon. Five out of 42. What a waste, right? Except, in the five appointments he netted:

1.                 One had no money, only spent 15-20 min on the phone

2.                 One had $168K; didn’t think it will go anywhere

3.                 One had $500K; was moving to second appt

4.                 One had $400K; was moving to second appt

5.                 One had $2.7M; was moving to second appt

Brian felt very confident he could bring on three new clients with $3.6M in assets. With a 50/50 split between Annuity/AUM, that’s $140K off a $4K investment…what a “waste” huh?

Today, let me continue encouraging you to:

·       Take advantage of millions in AE Stimulus funds we’re investing to help fill your pipeline. Steep webinar series for only $1,500- $2k (stack ‘em up!) and 33% off on direct mail, White Glove and Emerging Advisor (education courses) too!

·       Remember that Mid-Tail marketing (as it relates to webinars) works and begins immediately!

Here’s the 6 minute video on Mid-Tail Marketing

o   CALLS TO ALL webinar registrations should start the morning after your event! Be relentless.

o   It moves to email (ideally w/BombBomb) offering a portion or all of the webinar.

o   And then continues w/drips…

o   And new invites to additional webinars or seminars…

o   And continued drips…

o   …til you’ve been handed restraining orders

Kyle is crushing it.

Marvin is crushing it.

Brad is crushing it.

Brian is crushing it.

Webinars are working… but they are NOT seminars. Do not treat them the same.

Mid-Tail Marketing (especially calls, then more dripping) is crucial.