All this talk about the debt ceiling got me thinking about the great classic of Dumb and Dumber. Specifically, this line:
“That is as good as money, sir. Those are I.O.U.s”
Sometimes we just need to have a good laugh at what frustrates us but can’t control right?
– Not a bad clip to show at a seminar 😊
Hope you enjoy the other Dumb and Dumber quotes through this week’s quick hits!
Here are your Quick Hits:
Charting the Rise of America’s Debt Ceiling
- Terrific chart to show in seminars, emails and presentations with clients

‘So you’re telling me there’s a chance?’ This recession indicator now puts the likelihood of a U.S. economic reversal at 99.3%.
- This article was like a “tractor beam, sucked me right in”

Why Inflation Erupted: Two Top Economists Have the Answer
- For two years debate has raged over what caused the highest inflation since the 1980s: government stimulus or pandemic-related disruptions. Now two of the country’s top economists have an answer: It’s both.
- You mean if we print money and give it away, that causes inflation? – “No Way!”
The Stock Market Usually Goes Up (But Sometimes it Goes Down)
- Just when I thought an article title couldn’t be any dumber…
- Ok this article is good, I just wanted to slip in another quote.
- “Having a negative bias against the market year after year after year is a low-probability bet.”
- “It makes sense to prepare for downside risk in the stock market but it’s impossible to predict it ahead of time.”