Quick Hits: Stop Saying Fiduciary! | NVDIA is off the Charts! | No-Show Fees?

Stop saying “Fiduciary!!”

Here are your Quick Hits:

US Consumer Confidence Retreats in April

  • I’ve brought this index up plenty of times, but there are a few charts that are SUPER interesting to check out in here:
  • “Consumers More Pessimistic About Future Business Conditions, Jobs, and Income”

The Era of ‘No-Show’ Fees Is Here—and It’s Going to Cost You

  • After reading this, I want to know who will be the first financial Advisor to charge for a no-show?!
  • “Consumers nowadays are quite used to paying for services ahead of time,” said LaRon. “It’s the Uber-fication of the world.”


  • Literally and figuratively.
  • “The company’s quarterly earnings, released after the bell on Wednesday, revealed revenue that was up an eye-watering 262% and profits that were even more extraordinary, with net income growing more than 600% on the same quarter last year.”