Quick Hits: Spring is Here | Leadership Styles | Fast Retirement

Happy Spring Break Season!

It’s one of my favorite times of the year where we say goodbye to the bitter cold and say hello to pollen!  Where I try to figure out which allergy medicine will work best every day. I’ll call it medicine cabinet roulette.

It’s also the time of year where marketing season ramps up across the country. Excited to be along side of you as we jump into this season!

Here are your Quick Hits

The 6 most common leadership styles & how to find yours

  • As you grow and scale your business, leadership becomes #1 priority.
  • “As a leader, understanding your leadership style is critically important. When you understand your leadership style, you can determine how this affects those you directly influence. It also helps you find your leadership strengths and define which leadership skills to develop.”
  • “Remember that leadership is not about being perfect but authentically leading. When you lead from a place of passion and purpose, others will naturally be drawn to you and your message.”

Tax Season Essentials:

  • I thought this was a great tool to look at after tax wealth building opportunities by Russel investments.
  • “Taxes are one of the few things in life that are certain. Almost all of us will face an annual tax bill on April 15. But there are steps you can take now to make your next one as small as possible.”

When Retirement Comes At You Fast

  • I’ve had multiple relatives that were forced into retirement for a few reasons. I thought this article hit home and could be useful with clients.
  • “Since they had not seriously considered retirement before they were offered the buyout, the couple had not put a lot of thought into what they would do in retirement, and they are now making those plans.”
  • “The bottom line was the couple wanted to hear ‘You can retire’ before they actually made such a life-changing move,” Blocki says. “They took the leap and are now both happily retired.”

20 Lessons From 20 Years of Managing Money

  • Solid piece from Ben Carlson that gives some insight into the financial planning world.
  • “Intelligence doesn’t guarantee investment success. Warren Buffett once wrote, “Investing is not a game where the guy with the 160 IQ beats the guy with the 130 IQ. Once you have ordinary intelligence, what you need is the temperament to control the urges that get other people into trouble in investing.””
  • “Rich people hate paying taxes more than they like making more money. I’m only half kidding but the more money people have the more they look for ways to avoid paying Uncle Sam.”