Quick Hits: Protection as an Asset Class | America’s Feelings | Charts on Charts

We are excited to see a lot of you next week in the Bahamas for the AE Advisor Summit!

It is a great time of year to take a break, look at what you and your team have accomplished and celebrate! It’s also a great time to reflect on mistakes make any tweaks to make sure you hit your goals for the year.

Congratulations to the AE family on a great year in 2022! We are excited to celebrate with you at the Baha Mar!

Here are your Quick Hits:

Protection as an Asset Class – Wade Pfau

  • This is an in-depth whitepaper from Dr. Wade Pfau for your own education or for clients that love to dig deeper.
  • “In either context, it now is possible to frame an annuity, or the protections it provides, as an asset class for households to help manage market risks and the risk of outliving assets. These two complementary frames distinguish protection as an asset class, which we will examine further.”
  • “Protection as an asset class is affirmed: structured annuities can impact both the underlying portfolio returns as well as the ability to overlay a protected lifetime income.”
  • Love this chart in the whitepaper:

Americans Feel Better About the Economy. Should We Believe Them?

  • “The Conference Board, a business-research nonprofit, reported its measure of consumer confidence in June climbed to its highest level since January 2022. The latest reading last week from the University of Michigan’s index of consumer sentiment was the highest since September 2021.”

Favorite Charts of the Week: