Memorial Day weekend is already here.
A weekend to spend time with family and friends, with (hopefully) good weather. It’s a time to exercise our freedom to not have any worries besides what food we are eating and if you are going to be red or blue in your next game of cornhole.
We celebrate our freedom with a sense of gratitude this weekend for those that didn’t come home.
Ronald Reagan said it best about this Holiday:
“…And if words cannot repay the debt we owe these men, surely with our actions we must strive to keep faith with them and with the vision that led them to battle and to final sacrifice.”
Enjoy it…with the utmost gratitude for those you knew and those you didn’t know.
Here are your Quick Hits:
Solid Reads:
- Adjustment-Based Planning
- “some researchers and practitioners have suggested extending the analysis even further, by accounting for related statistics, such as Magnitude of Failure and Expected Failure, to shore up the weaknesses of Probability of Failure and further enrich the breadth of information that prospective retirees have when considering the best plan to pursue. However, a focus on ever-deepening statistics alone ignores other important aspects of how retirees perceive risk.”
- Play Your Own Game (when it comes to investing)
- “Figure out what game you’re playing, then play it (and only it).
- So few investors do this. Maybe they have a vague idea of their game, but they haven’t clearly defined it. And when they don’t know what game they’re playing, they’re at risk of taking their cues and advice from people playing different games, which can lead to risks they didn’t intend and outcomes they didn’t imagine.”
- How to Deal with Investing Blind Spots – Carl Richards
- Your job is twofold:
- 1- Don’t run away from the feedback of people who can see your blind spots.
- 2- Listen to feedback when you get it. Treat it like gold when it shows up, don’t be defensive.
Inflation Rate Calculator
- Use this tool when explaining inflation rates
- April was our highest month since 2008
From the AE Archives
- Cameron Harold’s CEO whisperer presentation at the Journey a few years back
- Great presentation if you are wanting to create a better culture at your office.
“That’s how I played the game, If you don’t want to play that way, don’t play that way.” – Michael Jordan