Quick Hits: Excuses | Fastest Interest Rate Hike Ever | Largest Political Donors



To the best advisors in the US – dare I say the world!?

Today I’ve got the same story different verse:

Does anyone else hear excuses a lot these days?

I have 4 young kids and one of the biggest pet peeves of mine as I parent them, is excuses. If they are asked to do something and it doesn’t happen they know I don’t want to hear why it’s not done, I want to know how they are going to get it done.

Most of the time economics are slow moving items that seem to be a game that politicians and powerful people in the world play that might affect our lives years from now. Fun to talk about but not exactly changing our every day lives…

These days, the game seems to be very close, but all I hear are excuses.

Why can’t this come on time, why is this work not being done, why is this random item 5x the cost it was a year ago?

  • Supply chain
  • Work Shortage
  • Inflation
  • Covid

These items are what our reality is now and has been all year…How are we going to do better now?


Retirees are done with the excuses and need people like you to help them run efficient businesses that don’t give excuses, you give results.

Good news is, this “Same Story” is providing the PERFECT STORM for Fixed Index Annuities. Companies continue to bring the best rates and best products we’ve ever seen in this market!

In my opinion these are exciting times to be a Financial Planner focused on the retiree market!!

Keep up the amazing work changing people’s lives every day!



Here are your Quick Hits:


Comparing the Speed of U.S. Interest Rate Hikes (1988-2022)

A Hidden Roadblock For Effective Leadership: You’re Attached To Your Story

  • I thought this article was eye opening from a leadership perspective in that I haven’t heard this take before.
  • “If you hold on to your story, you’ll have a difficult time transforming your leadership, or even your life. We tend to identify ourselves with specific self-images, such as the person who always has to be right, the smartest person in the room or the person who is always overlooked for promotions, accolades, etc. in the workplace. When you can’t let go of these personas of who you think you are, it can be incredibly difficult to even think about changing your perceptual lens. After all, if you aren’t the person you believe you are, then who are you?”
  • “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” Your story drives your moods and actions.

He’s Built Different – Outwork the competition video message

  • LeAnne on my team shared this today to our team and it was too good not to pass on to you all!
  • Speaking of excuses! Check out the video – don’t give yourself the excuse “He was built different.” – You were built different!


In Q4, Time Is Ripe For Tax (And Other) Conversations

  • Don’t limit your tax evaluations to tax harvesting. There are other subjects to put on the agenda for Q4 meetings, depending on individual circumstances, including:
    • Asset location and substitution
    • Required minimum distributions (RMDs) and Roth conversions
    • Charitable donations and deductions
    • Inflation, retirement savings and income

Visualized: The Biggest Donors of the 2022 U.S. Midterm Elections