Quick Hits: Buy the Rumor | Best Leadership Article | Get Smarter

If the last 20 months have taught us anything, it is to not be surprised; “this does not equal that”. With everything going on in the macroeconomics world: Afghanistan, Delta variant, loom of another shut down or Inflation, the markets are still in a positive momentum.

I’ve heard the term thrown around for a long time “buy the rumor, sell the news” but it seems that we should just buy the rumor ignore the news.

Good thing retirees have people like you to build plans and give them security for their retirement lives. I’m sure if they are keeping up with anything and they don’t have a plan, they are looking for the next invite to a financial workshop!


Here are your Quick Hits:


Articles on Leadership

Marshall Goldsmith’s 3-Step Process to Becoming a Better Leader

  • Goldsmith argues that leaders don’t ask one simple question enough: How can I be better?
  • “You don’t get better when you listen to a speech. You don’t get better because you read a book,” he says. “You have to work at it, follow up and stick with it.”

A Closer Look at the Effects of Transformational Leadership

  • Through the strength of their vision and personality, transformational leaders are able to inspire followers to change expectations, perceptions, and motivations to work towards common goals.
  • Transformational leaders not only challenge the status quo; they also encourage creativity among followers. The leader encourages followers to explore new ways of doing things and new opportunities to learn.

The Greatest Leadership Article I’ve Ever Read

  • The research is clear, high performing leaders individualize their approach to management and focus on team members’ strengths.
  • In my favorite leadership article of all time, the pin-filled map on the wall is far more than just a map. It’s a symbol to all who encounter it, and even serves as a reminder to Commander Curtis himself.


Chart of the week

12 Ways to Get Smarter in One Infographic


Quote of the week


“Lord give me the confidence of a 22-year-old man who owns 0.00085 bitcoin.”

~ Parik Patel