Quick Hits: Sure sign of Economic Downturn | Stop Doing List | Painful RMD

In true Advisors Excel fashion, I am going to use what is already working for Today’s Quick Hit intro from The Morning Brew – it was too good not to.

Good morning. Are we about to enter an economic crisis? Could be. But don’t look at unemployment, interest rate hikes, or the housing market for clues. A better indicator is whether the Philadelphia Phillies win the World Series.

As the baseball historians on the Brew’s social media team found, over the past 100 years the surest sign of an economic downturn has been a Philly-based baseball team winning the World Series. It happened in 1929, 1930, 1980, and 2008. On Monday night, the Phillies clinched a playoff spot for the upcoming postseason.

As Phillies fans, it gives us no pleasure to say this, but…they must be stopped. For the sake of the economy.

—Neal Freyman, Max Knoblauch, Abby Rubenstein


Here are your Quick Hits:


Reducing the Pain From Required Retirement Withdrawals This Year

  • Solid article from a larger media outlet to share and talk with your clients and prospects about this month.
  • “The annual ritual might feel particularly painful this time, with the S&P 500 down nearly 25% for the year through September.”
  • “Many retirees will have to withdraw and pay taxes on a bigger percentage of their nest eggs than they might prefer, because the formula for calculating the required minimum distribution, or RMD, is based on the account’s balance at the end of last December—before the markets sagged.”


71% of workers say their pay isn’t keeping up with inflation

  • “Among those taking action, 21% say they are tapping emergency savings to pay the bills, 21% are working extra hours, 20% are looking for a higher-paying job and 6% are resorting to a 401(k) hardship withdrawal, the survey found.”
  • “The percentage of employees who feel financially well off dropped to 44%”


3 Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Help Your Content Marketing Processes

  • This is one for your marketing manager. Might be some cheat codes they can use!
  • “Artificial intelligence comes to fruition by teaching a machine to think and react like a human being.”
  • “Though a machine can’t do creative writing, artificial intelligence can be helpful in your content marketing processes.”

Stop Doing List

  • From the archives article from Robert Glazer that was relative to me this week.
  • “The most successful people and businesses know how to focus on what needs to get done and what they need to stop doing in order to make that happen.”
  • “If you want to make room for new initiatives this year, then some old things need to go, including using “being busy” as an excuse for not getting the right things done.”