Quick Hits: Stop the SWOT | Failure is your friend | 2023 Tax Breaks

W.O.O. Meetings are much more effective than SWOT analysis.

For your upcoming planning meetings spend some time on your WOO! (remove the Threat and the Strengths)

Here are your Quick Hits:

How Leaders Make Failure Their Friend

  • I love some Maxwell nuggets like this. Quick read, which is my type of article too!
  • “when you’re a leader, failure is your friend. In leadership, it’s not a question of if you fail, it’s a question of when—and how you respond.”
  • “If you’re leading, you need to make failure your friend because if you make it your enemy, you won’t get very far.”

Great news about American wealth

  • “Americans have gotten used to reading a bunch of dire, grim news lately — war, inflation, political turmoil, etc. In this swirl of things to worry about, good news tends to fly under the radar. So your friendly neighborhood econ blogger, Yours Truly, is here to bring it above the radar…or whatever the metaphor is. Anyway, here’s some good news.”
  • “the typical American family got about 37% richer between 2019 and 2022”

Why working longer is a bad retirement plan

  • Great article to talk through with prospects and how important it is to work with a plan.
  • “Almost half, 46%, of retirees in 2023 said they stopped working earlier than planned, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute.”
  • “When it comes to retirement age, there’s a big gap in expectations versus reality. Americans generally retire earlier than planned — often due to factors beyond their control, such as poor health or job loss, research shows.”

Don’t Miss Out on Your 2023 Tax Breaks

  • Quick article to email out to your list this week.
  • “As usual, most moves affecting 2023 taxes must be completed before Jan. 1, just weeks away. Here are areas to tackle now—and a few that can slide.”