Quick Hits: Rollercoaster | Most Important Mindset | Bank Liabilities Visualized

The U.S. is still on this rollercoaster.

Sounds like retirees still need you to fight for their retirements!

Check out the video and the first quick hit on building a mindset in yourself and your team to make sure you succeed over the long haul.

Make it a great week!

Here are your Quick Hits:

The Most Important Mindset You Need to Succeed

  • This is probably one of my favorite episodes by one of my favorite podcasts.
  • This one is super important for any advisor that is building, scaling and wanting to pass their business on one day…Pretty much all of you!
  • “Here’s the problem: The odds are low that what you’re leading will last.
  • Many organizations fail by the third generation. The good news is that you can beat the odds if you adopt the most important mindset you need to succeed.”

Visualizing the Assets and Liabilities of U.S. Banks

  • With the failing of banks being still a hot topics, this chart puts things in perspective.
  • “A combination of excessive investment in long-dated held-to-maturity securities, one of the fastest rate hiking cycles in recent history, and many depositors fearing for and moving their uninsured deposits of over $250,000 has resulted in the worst year ever for bank failures in terms of total assets.”

3 Bad Habits Most Entrepreneurs Are Guilty Of — And the Simple Solution for Stopping

  • Thought this article hit on some great points!
  • “People with busy lives and ever-changing roles, schedules and responsibilities often struggle to put complex behaviors on autopilot.”
  • “When you say no, you are only saying no to one option,” writes Clear. “When you say yes, you are saying no to every other option.”

1 in 4 Pastors Plan to Retire Before 2030

  • Not sure if I’ve ever heard an advisor say “Pastor’s are my target market,” but thought this was interesting in case anyone knows a lot of pastors!
  • “The graying of America’s pastors isn’t a new phenomenon, but it has become more pronounced. In 2022, just 16 percent of Protestant senior pastors were 40 years old or younger. The average age of a pastor is 52.”

Secrets Of Stoic Parenting, One Day At A Time

  • I’m a big fan of the stoics and thought this was timely for me and figured it would be helpful for my parents and grandparents too!
  • “Founded in Athens more than 2,000 years ago, Stoicism teaches that we don’t control events, only our response to them, and has influenced everything from ancient Roman governance to Christian theology to cognitive behavioral therapy.”
  • “Do they love books?” That seems to be a much more important skill than whether they’re good at reading or not. Because you can always get better at reading, but if you don’t like books, if you don’t understand what books could do for you, it doesn’t really matter how technically proficient you are.
  • “I don’t think walking will solve every problem, but there’s few problems that are made worse by going for a walk. Anytime we’re being crazy, anytime we’re not getting along, anytime we’re grouchy, anytime we don’t feel connected, I’ve found that getting outside and walking around works some magic.”