Quick Hits: Race Horses in Garages | Market Confusion | Banana Marketing

Watch today’s video for a quick PSA on why you shouldn’t put your newly purchased racehorse in your garage.


In other news:

There seems to be a lot of confusion on which way the markets are heading. Half the articles/experts are saying we aren’t out of the bear market yet, then the other half are saying you better not leave because the best is yet to come…

Confusion causes urgency in our industry, let’s keep the foot on the marketing pedal!

Here are your Quick Hits:


This Bear Market (Probably) Isn’t Over Yet

  • Interesting take on the recent jump we’ve had in the markets.
  • “Put simply, last year higher bond yields were bad for stocks. This year they’ve been fine, at least until very recently. I think Tuesday’s drop is less a blip than a harbinger of another rough patch.”

The Telltale Bear Market Signal for Stocks Is Back

  • This bear market forecasting tool has never been wrong
  • This month, the S&P Shiller P/E is, once more, back above 30. Although we’re not in a bull market — surpassing 30 during a bull market has previously been the recipe for at least an eventual 20% decline — history is quite clear that a Shiller P/E above 30 isn’t well tolerated by Wall Street.

Jesse Cole: Building a Customer-First Brand

  • This episode of Cody’s podcast was awesome. The story behind the Savannah Bananas is one we can all learn from.
  • The Five E’s to creating raving fans of your business
  • Why sales shouldn’t be your primary focus when communicating with social media
  • How to find a balance between talent and attitude when hiring new team members

Consumer Price Inflation, by Type of Good or Service (2000-2022)