Quick Hits: Puzzling Times | Trade Deficit Record | Fed in Antarctica

“Interest rates are rising, inflation is elevated and recession fears linger. Despite all that, employers keep hiring.

The U.S. added 1.1 million jobs over the past three months and ramped up hiring in January. That appears puzzling, given last year’s economic cool down, signs that consumers are pulling back on spending as their savings dwindle, and a stream of corporate layoff announcements, particularly in technology.” – WSJ Source Article


Going on 3 years into this pandemic, crash, re-open, inflation, recession debates, actual balloons popping, low unemployment, high interest season we are in, we are still PUZZLED?

As an independent financial advisor this is fuel to use against any Robo-advisor or Monte Carlo simulator out there. You can’t “out invest” times like these.

Retirees need plans in “Puzzling” times – that’s where you shine.

Here are your Quick Hits:


US trade deficit hit record in 2022

  • “The U.S. trade deficit for all of 2022 rose 12.2% to $948.1 billion, the widest gap on record,”

The Super Bowl’s Most Reliable Stock Market Indicator? The Ads

  • Fun article to share with some interesting points from the last superbowl full of Crypto ads…
  • “Contrarian investing signals from Super Bowl ads are most potent during major manias like the Dot-com and Crypto Bowls, but minor bubbles also feature in the big game. In 2021, just days after GameStop became the world’s biggest financial story, the mania’s two corporate enablers, social-media company Reddit and retail broker Robinhood, each ran their first and only Super Bowl ads.”

Top 10 takeaways from Grant on how leaders can rethink work

  • Here are the top 10 takeaways from Adam Grant on how leaders can rethink work that supports employees, boosts productivity, and protects company culture.
  • “There are ways that being remote can burn us out,” Grant says, “but the net effect of being remote or hybrid is actually better for our well-being. And that’s especially true for members of non-dominant groups in an organization. We ought to pay attention to the dividends, not just the costs.”
  • Grant says companies must avoid rewarding or even tolerating employees who undermine others (even if they’re high performers).

How scientists are kept fed and happy in one of the most remote places on Earth

  • A nothing to do with our industry article, but thought it was interesting enough to share.
  • “When there’s a group of cold scientists around 3,100 miles from the nearest city and at least 9,900 miles from home, it makes sense that hot cheese goes a long way.”