Quick Hits: Overcoming the Pricing Question | Americans Quit Quitting | Mars Habitat Emerged!

Just getting back from seeing a lot of you all enjoying Rome! Hope everyone had a great time.

Now, time to get back at it and finish this second half stronger than the first!

Here are your Quick Hits:

Planning Well – Robert Glazer

  • Great quick read about how a hotel handled the recent IT failure with Crowdstrike to still provide a great customer experience.
  •  “any business that relies heavily on technology, without a manual backup process, is likely to be more severely impacted by disruptions. While some problems are unavoidable, the CrowdStrike incident demonstrates that with forethought, planning, and training, many issues can be mitigated.”

American Workers Have Quit Quitting, for Now

  • “The job-hopping frenzy of the pandemic years has given way to what some economists are calling the ‘big stay’”
  • “Numerous surveys show that fewer U.S. adults are currently seeking to leave their roles, compared with the job-switching frenzy of the pandemic years.”

Why Do You Want to Own a Chick-fil-A Restaurant? This Is the Best Answer Ever

  • I can’t not share an article about my favorite restaurant that ALSO give s a great life lesson!
  • This article is about “the single most important question that they ask during Chick-fil-A franchisee interviews, and how successful people answer it.”
  • This is a great question to ask in your interviews but more importantly what to look for in your candidates’ answers.

Crew of NASA’s earthbound simulated Mars habitat emerge after a year

  • I know this has nothing to do with our industry or running a business, but I had no idea we had people locked in a simulated Mars habitat for the past year…did you?
  • “The quartet lived and worked inside the space of 1,700 square feet (157 square meters) to simulate a mission to the red planet,”