Quick Hits: Not everyone will like you | Good luck buying a house | Most Olympic Medals

Here is a quote I’m pondering on today that I took from Stillness is the key by Ryan Holiday

“The need for progress can be the enemy of enjoying the process.”

Don’t forget to smell the roses as you are having one of your best years ever!

Here is a short video that goes back to the basics of sales. We all need a good reminder every now and then right?

Here are your Quick Hits:

You’re a Leader Now. Not Everyone is Going to Like You.

  • This article from Harvard Business was some honest truth that was helpful for me.
  • Great quote: “as the person in charge, almost everything you do will have the potential to trigger conflict.”
  • “Choosing not to give constructive feedback to your people because you don’t want to hurt their feelings or because you fear they will dislike you robs them of the opportunity to improve.”

A Third of Older Americans Face This Health Threat. Advisors Can Help. – Edelman

  • One in three Americans 85 or older has Alzheimer’s disease.
  • “An advisor is the individual best positioned to alert clients that their future is likely to involve dementia or Alzheimer’s. This can include being persuasive in helping them decide to improve their lifestyle, and to increase their savings or alter their portfolio allocation so they have a better financial defense against the costs associated with this illness.”

Boomers Buying Houses Had It Bad in the ’80s. Millennials Have It Worse.

  • I knew it was a tough time to buy a home, but this article puts how bad it really is into perspective.