Quick Hits: Holiday Marketing? | JP Morgan Cuts 60/40 | Evergreen articles

42 Days until Christmas!


I get asked this question a lot… “Do I continue to market during the holiday season?”

My Answer every time: “The top advisors NEVER take the holiday months off of marketing, while most other advisors stop. The top always ZIG when everyone else is ZAGGING.”

2020 is a great year to ZAG!

Here are your quick hits:

Our Final Journey of 2020!

o   As we wrap up the third and final session of our virtual event, we’re excited to bring you a new lineup of speakers who will continue Advisors Excel’s tradition of sharing best practices and transformational ideas to help advisors learn and grow.

JP Morgan Cuts 60/40 Outlook

o   It’s taken them a while, but the bigger names are starting to see the light!

o   Time to lock up the gains and guarantee the premium.

Landmark study finds number of protected Households rises

o   “This is the first profile and segmentation of consumers planning for retirement that I’ve ever seen that really incorporates protected income in a meaningful way and should definitely help provide a behavioral and emotional roadmap to understanding and resolving the tension that exists in how Americans approach retirement.”

o   I love Carl Richard’s sketches.

o   Great tools to use to help explain complex financial and real world concepts in a simple drawing.

o   You can see a lot more on his site here

Do advisors get clients from social media? – FULL STUDY

o    “Continuing the trend we saw at the end of 2019, 89% of advisors told us that during their tenure as advisors they have gained new clients attributable to their social media activity.”

o   “94% of advisors seeing success use direct messaging capabilities on social platforms.”

Mask Mandates and closures in all 50 States – NY Times

·         Will Joe Biden Raise Your Taxes? – Kiplinger


Evergreen Articles to use in your drip process

All these articles are written by PRO-FIA advisors who have similar planning styles to you. Most on topics that I’m sure you cover in your sales process.

Another advisor asked me for these, so I figured you all could use them too!

·         Once You Create a Living Trust, Don’t Forget to Fund It

·         Know What You’re Getting – and Giving Up – With an Annuity Income Rider

·         Waiting to file for social security benefits is hard but payoff is sweet

·         Don’t Let Low-Interest-Rate Fatigue Push You into Taking Too Much Risk

·         You’ve Been Forced into Early Retirement – Now What?

·         3 Reasons to Wait Until 70 to Claim Social Security Benefits

·         Don’t Be Paralyzed by Uncertainty

·         Does a 40% Bond Allocation Make Sense in Today’s Portfolios?