Quick Hits: Fins Up! | Value Your Associations | 2024 Outlook Roundup

There is always someone doing something a little different, you have to keep your head up as a business owner to keep learning or you’ll stop growing!


Here are your Quick Hits:

10 Questions For 2024

  • Great read with some perfect points for financial advisors to be asking themselves going into the new year.
  • Some funny questions too like : When will people turn on Taylor Swift? It’s only a matter of time right?
  • Biggest question is “Can the consumer keep it going?” – I feel like we will be asking this all year. Issue is, we asked it all year in 2023 too…

LIMRA: U.S. Individual Annuity Sales to Exceed $300 Billion in 2024 and 2025

  • Short and easy read on the Annuity market sales in 2023 and a forecast for 2024 and 25.
  • “While interest rates are expected to peak in 2023, the forecast for the 10-year Treasury rate is to remain around 4% through 2026. This slight decline will dampen sales growth in 2024, particularly for income annuity products and fixed-rate deferred products. Countering this is the turnaround in the equity markets and the expectation is annuity sales will rebound in 2025.”
  • “Overall, LIMRA is forecasting annuity sales to total between $311 billion and $331 billion in 2024.”

A comprehensive round-up of 2024 investment outlook reports

  • This is a great roundup of a TON of financial reports to sift through to see what to expect in 2024.
  • As we all know – no one can ever predict the future, but it’s fun to talk about right!? I’m sure it’s probably one of most common questions you get as an FA too.
  • Thought this was a solid point from the article:               “And if that wasn’t enough to take all this with a pinch of salt, remember that this time last year 85 per cent of economists thought we’d be in a recession by now.”

Your 2024 Tax Fact Sheet and Calendar

  • Solid article to keep you in the know with changes, dates and adjustments that might effect your clients in 2024.
  • “Income Tax Brackets: Seven tax brackets remain, but the specific parameters have changed”