Quick Hits: Do you Feel It? | Bye-Bye-Bye | Clarity

Do you feel that?

I know you feel it…

Uncertainty… and It’s getting worse.


As we’ve talked about before, markets are good with the bad and good with the good, but what they really don’t like is uncertainty…neither do investors!

It’s showing because Advisors Excel advisors have had one of the largest months in history!!

Every single channel – Annuities, Life, Medicare, Wealth are all up and it’s because YOU are getting out there and building guard rails for your clients with plans.

You are giving them certainty…

Thank you.

There are more people that need these plans.

Let’s do one more campaign while the uncertainty is high and they realize how much they need you.



Here are your Quick Hits:

Charles Payne slide from Journey: Bye-Bye 60/40


You thought inflation was bad? 82% of consumers are paying ABOVE sticker price for a new car!

  • When you’re purchasing a new car these days, it may feel a lot like you’re giving your dealership a fat tip.
  • To that point, 82% are paying above sticker price for new vehicles, according to new research from Edmunds.com. That compares with 2.8% a year ago and 0.3% in early 2020.

Create Clarity with your team

  • In our most recent Journey, E.A. Buck shared valuable questions you need to be asking of your business that you can answer for your team to create clarity
    • #1: Why do we exist?​
    • #2: How do we behave?
    • #3: What do we do?​
    • #4: How will we succeed?​
    • #5: What is important right now?​
    • #6: Who must do what?

How Teams Are Retaining Employees Right Now

  • Why are so many people quitting their jobs? According to a recent McKinsey report, employers believe that it is a problem with compensation or work-life balance. But the employees who are quitting tell a different story.
  • Their main reasons for quitting are
    • 1) not feeling valued
    • 2) not feeling a sense of belonging.
  • When teams understand their why, motivation and performance increase. Knowing that one’s work has impact and feeling that the work is meaningful are two of the top five predictors of a high-performing team.