Quick Hits: Dad Tax | Indicators | Nice Hugs

1 down and 2 months to go in the 4th quarter of 2021!

Only 2 more days till Halloween and my middle son still doesn’t know what he wants to be. Should make a for a nice day before cramming to find a costume that will result in lots of screams…not the type of Halloween screams you might be thinking. 😊

Speaking of Halloween, I hope you and your family’s have a fun one this year!

I can’t wait for the day after where I get to pick through the winnings for my favorites…

I like to call that the “Dad Tax.”


Here are your Quick Hits:

HBR – Leaders, Stop Trying to Be Heroes

  • “Eliminating mind traps takes courage: the courage to challenge our old beliefs, to listen to ourselves rather than to others’ expectations, to question what we’ve assumed is true, and to face our fear of the unknown through a mind shift.”
  • “Human leaders make a profound and lasting difference in the lives of people around them, the organizations they lead, and the world. This journey from mind trap to mind shift and mind build is what separates yesterday’s leaders from those who can successfully navigate today’s and tomorrow’s challenges.”

Investors love to boast about their great stock picks, but beware of those who use fancy math to calculate their gains

  • Even pros rarely beat the stock market
  • “After more than 40 years of rigorously auditing the performance of investment advisers, I have learned that over the long term, buying and holding an index fund that tracks the S&P 500 SPX, 0.12% or other broad index nearly always comes out ahead of all other attempts to do better, such as market timing or picking particular stocks, ETFs and mutual funds.”


7 indicators that show stocks are hurtling toward a devastating 60% crash

  • “I think the next bear market will be worse than 2008, which will make it the worst since the Great Depression,” the former Allianz Global Investors securities analyst said.
  • 4 signals that bear market could be underway


Scary markets got you down? Don’t run. Just hug.



Journey Resources are out!

  • Every track, every shared item is on this page per track
  • A few of my favorite takeaways
    • Matt Dicken’s Vivid vision to get to a Billion
    • Brett’s Drip process
    • Nicholas’ simple sales process