Quick Hits: Circle of Uncertainty | Large vs Small Cuts | Women Golfers

Stock market volatility…Live Debates…Cringy political ads…It’s Election season!

“Don’t ever let a crisis go to waste” – Winston Churchill

There is a ton of opportunity for financial advisors to be marketing, calling prospects, meeting with current clients to lock in plans for the future.

Uncertainty is what makes the markets volatile and that volatility makes people uncertain and a round and a round we go.

That’s why retirees need you!

Go get em!

Here are your Quick Hits:

Why it matters whether the Federal Reserve delivers a small or large rate cut

  • I feel like we don’t go a day without talking about what the next cut is going to be and how it will effect all aspects of our finances.
  • This article gives a good basic explanation on the effects of a small vs large cut by the fed.
  • “One argument is that there’s nothing wrong with the economy that rate cuts can’t fix,” said Neil Dutta, head of US economics at Renaissance Macro Research. “But the Fed needs to want to be the solution, and if we can’t say that definitively, that’s a problem.”

Americans Are Really, Really Bullish on Stocks

  • “Americans have rarely been this giddy about the stock market.”

Advisors Are Afraid to Retire, and That’s a Problem

  • The title of this article got me, but it raises an interesting point to think through.
  • “We need to talk about the next chapter, not about what an advisor is leaving behind but what they’re moving toward,”
  • “We see [potential] successors at firms are frustrated to the point where they’re leaving and starting their own firms. At Dynasty, staff advisors are breaking away from the breakaways who opened their own firms because succession promises aren’t being fulfilled.”

The Driving Force in Golf’s Participation Boom: Women

  • This is so cool to see. Not sure if my ego could ever take my wife beating me at a round, but at the rate we are going it could be in my near future!
  • “While golfing has been on an upswing since the early days of Covid, one of the lasting effects of that rise has been on the women’s side: 60% of the post-pandemic golfer growth has been women and girls, according to the National Golf Foundation.”