Quick Hits: Can’t Miss Content | Flying Spiders | 4 Forms of Energy

I can’t believe we are almost HALF WAY through 2024! Can you?

I hear a lot of you are having your best year ever…AGAIN. It’s an exciting time and you all are helping a lot of people navigate one of the most stressful times in their lives.

It’s awesome to be a part of it. Thank you for all you do for the retirement communitee!

Usually I post a quick video with a little nugget, but since we are half way, I thought it would be a good time to do a recap of these videos – Check out the “Quick Hits” Playlist here.

Here are your Quick Hits:

Business of Advice Podcast – Creating Can’t Miss Content

  • Another great episode from our very own Cody Foster with his guest Jasmine Star.
  • A few AWESOME nuggets when it comes to marketing on here:
    • “there is a difference of being on social media and using social media.”
    • The more you’re able to show up as yourself, the more you’ll attract people who appreciate and trust what you have to offer.
    • Building trust with a small group of people is the key to successful marketing, regardless of the size of your social following.
    • Understanding your target audience’s deepest desires and creating content that addresses those needs is key to successful marketing.

How AI can add speed to your sales outcomes

  • If you haven’t spent time diving into how AI can help you and your office be better in all aspects this article is one way to on the sales side!
  • “In the realm of sales, every second counts. The faster you can identify leads, understand their needs, and deliver appropriate solutions, the more likely you are to close deals and outpace competitors.”
  • “The one-size-fits-all approach to sales pitches is now obsolete, replaced by hyper-personalized communication strategies powered by AI. In this new era, AI functions as the undertaker of generic sales pitches, bringing forth a strategy so tailored it feels as though it’s crafted for an audience of one.”
  • “25% increase in customer engagement and a 15% rise in sales in just the first quarter after implementation.”


  • “If you feel overwhelmed, frustrated, or often worn out, that likely means one of your four forms of energy needs to be refilled.”
  • “Different tasks don’t just take different amounts of energy, they take different types of energy.”
  • “Sometimes when we feel past the point of exhaustion, we might be more than physically drained, emotionally depleted, or mentally worn out. It could be that we are spiritually empty.”

Flying venomous spiders the size of a human hand are set to invade New York

  • I know this has NOTHING to do with helping you build your business, but I figured you could use this as an email to send out or a topic to talk about on your next show to break up the monotony.
  • I’m sharing the picture, but it’ll freak you out.
  • The ONLY thing that makes me feel better is this statement that I’m not sure is true: “Although they are venomous, scientists say Jorō spiders’ venom is weak and that their fangs aren’t strong enough to break the skin of humans or pets.”