Quick Hits: Buckle Up | Fails | Balanced Advisor

Coming off our biggest event of the year, the World Series of Success, everyone is ready to get moving into 2022!

If you missed any of the speakers or resources, you can get it all in one place right here!

I wish I could tell you which one was the best, but they all provided such good content on their subject it’s hard to pick one.

We’ve got a lot of momentum built up in 2022…It’s time to Buckle Up!


Here are your Quick Hits:


The Best Annuity Features and Fees to Look For– Entrepreneur

  • Great article on annuities from Entrepreneur magazine
  • “For a lot of people, annuities can be complex and intimidating. It’s like getting overwhelmed by tech-filled automobiles containing features from touchscreen dashboards to semiautonomous driving. But, once you learn more about the vehicle and take it for a test drive, you might not feel as overwhelmed.”

When Corporate Innovation Goes Bad — The 164 Biggest Product Failures Of All Time

  • Lighter quick hit today
  • Little fun to see these terrible products.
  • One of my favorites was “Flights to nowhere” – came out in 2020!!

Visualizing the $94 Trillion World Economy in One Chart

Podcast Episode Recommendations this week