Quick Hits: Maxwell & Mylett | Buy Buy Buy | Inflation Charts Anyone?

As I’m sure you’ve heard, unless you have been lost at sea, we have officially entered a Bear Market.

“What kind of bear is this going to be?” is the question and American retirees are looking to you for the answers!

With all the negative going on right now I figured we could all use some positive.

Here is an uplifting podcast with John Maxwell and Ed Mylett (who is going to be our Main Keynote speaker at WSOS!) – give it a listen it’s well worth the time.


Happy Father’s Day to all the Dad’s out there.

My oldest told me today “I’m calling it ‘Daddy Day,’ because I don’t use the word Father – you’re my Daddy.”

Someone get me a tissue…

Here are your Quick Hits:

Those who buy stocks the day the S&P 500 enters a bear market have made an average of 22.7% in 12 months

  • Solid article to share with your clients and prospects!
  • “Good news, investors: Wall Street is holding a sale, offering stocks at 20% off!”

Do you want to know how inflation impacts your savings? The ‘rule of 72’ may help

  • The ‘rule of 72’ can help consumers loosely approximate would quickly inflation will halve the value of their money.
  • “With inflation, the rule works in reverse: Consumers can approximate how quickly higher prices would halve the value of their savings. To do this, divide 72 by the annual inflation rate.”

Five charts explaining why inflation is at a 40-year high