Quick Hits: Cool Town | BlackRock FIAs | Storytelling

There is this really cool town where you can still buy a 3 bedroom house in a family friendly neighborhood for $150,000 and work for the #1 Financial Marketing company for Financial Advisors…

It’s Topeka Kansas – Check it out!

Just sayin.

I digress…

People are getting out there, live events are up! Time to strike while the iron is hot with your marketing!

Call up your marketing coach today to talk through what campaigns are working and what you should add to your plan.


Here are your Quick Hits:


BlackRock Research – A case for Fixed Index Annuities

  • Incredible piece talking about the importance of FIAs in a retirees portfolio

It Isn’t Just Tom Brady—More People Are Coming Out of Retirement

  • Solid article to enhance your value of what you do. A lot of these people should not be going back to work if they have a retirement plan!
  • “Millions of U.S. workers retired during the pandemic. Now many are returning to work at rates not seen since 2020.”
  • “Many older workers who made early exits from the workforce after losing jobs or finding themselves unable to work in the early months of the pandemic have retired mostly because they haven’t been able to find suitable work since. Researchers say that is especially the case among those who did manual work, such as truck driving, hospitality or in cleaning services.”

How Much More Will You Spend in Retirement Than Expected? My Rule: $400 a Month

  • Great article to share with prospects and clients prior to meeting with you.
  • “Yes, surprises are part of life, and budgets always need wiggle room. But in preparing for retirement, I had never seen or heard a specific figure about just how much wiggle room my particular budget might need. Hence, my retirement “rule”: When you have finished estimating your annual expenses in later life—add about $5,000. That total should be closer to what you’ll actually need.”


Business of Advice Podcast – Bo Eason: Spellbinding Storytelling

  • I know I share Cody’s podcast on here a lot, but the value just keeps coming! Too good not to share.
  • Even if you’ve heard Bo speak a few times, he can still captivate you with his stories and in this episode he shares a few ways you can do the same.


Keep up the momentum and add #onemorecampaign!