Quick Hits: We landed on the Moon! | I.O.U.s | Dumber 

All this talk about the debt ceiling got me thinking about the great classic of Dumb and Dumber. Specifically, this line: “That is as good as money, sir. Those are  I.O.U.s” Sometimes we just need to have a good laugh at what frustrates us but can’t control right? – Not a bad clip to show…

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Quick Hits: Stay Psyched | Greenwashing | High Net Worth2

Stay Psyched! One big thing I’ve noticed about the most successful advisors and successful business owners is how excited they are about where their business is going. They have a passion that is authentic about what they are building. You probably get this excitement every time you start something new, but how do you keep…

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WE gatta fight!

This week I’ve seen a few things come out on investment behavior and I had a couple thoughts around what I feel might be happening at the moment. Lead flow numbers are down, Seminar attendees are down, Appointment and stick ratios seem to be coming down as well. Business is UP…but primarily from current clients.…

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