Quick Hits
Quick Hits: Rates Can Be Certain! | Tony Robbins Interview | Scamming Seniors
Interest rates are dropping, which is great for mortgages and buying cars, but FIAs will take a hit on their rates… I don’t think American National could not have launched their Rate Certain Annuity at a better time! If you are looking to be the “Hero” financial advisor and lock in your clients’ rates and…
Read MoreQuick Hits: Billionaire Surfer | 5 Things in Retirement | Trusting the Wrong People
Rates are down, stocks are hitting more new highs. Just a quick scan of the media that follows the markets, I don’t think anyone has any idea as to what comes next (do they ever?). There are talks of recession, to experts saying there is no end in sight to how high the market will…
Read MoreQuick Hits: Rate cuts – Now what? | Apple spending 30 Billion | Fastest growing gun ownership: Liberals?
The long wait is over and the question of when and “how much is the Fed going to cut rates” has been answered. The question you as the FA need to be asking is, how does this affect my clients and how do I make sure I get in front of their needs – Especially…
Read MoreQuick Hits: Circle of Uncertainty | Large vs Small Cuts | Women Golfers
Stock market volatility…Live Debates…Cringy political ads…It’s Election season! “Don’t ever let a crisis go to waste” – Winston Churchill There is a ton of opportunity for financial advisors to be marketing, calling prospects, meeting with current clients to lock in plans for the future. Uncertainty is what makes the markets volatile and that volatility makes…
Read MoreQuick Hits: Final Countdown | Leadership Qualities | Ignoring Financial Voices
Coming off our biggest training of the year, The Journey and hearing from 3 incredible advisors and Joey Coleman; I’m jacked for the end of this year! One question stuck out from one of the advisors that I want to ask you: “Is your business drastically different the last 4 years than it was the…
Read MoreQuick Hits: Movie Marketing | Annuities on the Rise | Linkedin Narcissism
As we are coming up on our biggest training event of the year “The Journey” There will be a ton of talk about marketing funnels – what’s working, what’s not, what you should be trying out… I’m sure there will be a lot of talk about movie marketing with the recent release from Steep Digital.…
Read MoreQuick Hits: Not everyone will like you | Good luck buying a house | Most Olympic Medals
Here is a quote I’m pondering on today that I took from Stillness is the key by Ryan Holiday “The need for progress can be the enemy of enjoying the process.” Don’t forget to smell the roses as you are having one of your best years ever! Here is a short video that goes back…
Read MoreQuick Hits: Mid Year Check in | $740,000 to Scammers | Amputated Olympian
Mid-year check in! With a lot of people having one of their best years ever, it’s a great time to try something new or finally finish that project you’ve been saying you were going to do for years. Question: 6 Months from now, what is one thing that you will be glad you started today?…
Read MoreQuick Hits: Do Seminars Work? | Story of Numbers | 20 years of Inflation
Here are your Quick Hits: 20+ Years of Inflation Business of Advice: Erica Pauly: Understand Your Numbers Kitces: 5 Industry Trends Reshaping Financial Advice 7 Steps to Estimating Your In-Retirement Cash Flow Needs
Read MoreQuick Hits: Overcoming the Pricing Question | Americans Quit Quitting | Mars Habitat Emerged!
Just getting back from seeing a lot of you all enjoying Rome! Hope everyone had a great time. Now, time to get back at it and finish this second half stronger than the first! Here are your Quick Hits: Planning Well – Robert Glazer American Workers Have Quit Quitting, for Now Why Do You Want…
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