Off the Wall
with Jordan Sester

Jordan Sester

Sales Executive

It’s not usually the quickest thanks to the number of people lined up beyond the front door, but Lonnie Q’s is well worth the wait. Hands down the best barbecue in town!

For Christmas every year, my extended family does a white elephant gift exchange. There is one gift, the cat, that no one wants. You must display it at your house for a year and then regift it next year to keep the joke running. It’s a beauty: black and white plaster with a dozen previous owners’ signatures. 

Have you had Wickles? Best type of pickle out there! Sweet, a little spicy and thick enough to have a nice crunch. I’m no pickle connoisseur but I have yet to find a more delicious option!

You really can’t go wrong when choosing somewhere in the Pacific Northwest. There is just the right amount of granola, urban vibes and buzz about life that takes hold and recharges you. Two of my favorite places in particular are Portland and Bend, Oregon, thanks to their proximity to national forests and affinity for craft beer.

My typical commute to the office is 10 minutes. In the morning, I’ll listen to sports radio to catch up on what’s going on. In the evening, I find myself sitting in silence to clear my mind of office-related items. I’m very protective of my work-life balance and try to make sure I’m being the best husband, friend and son I can be with the limited time I have.

Openly, honestly and with grace. The best way to create meaningful relationships in life is to be open and honest about your true feelings and intentions, even if it’s painful. Having deep and meaningful relationships is the key to having a happy, fulfilling life.

An important component to receiving great advice is surrounding yourself with people who widen your world and are willing to mentor you along the way. A few of my favorites are: “Pay yourself first,” “You can never stop learning,” “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have,” “It has to be somebody, might as well be you” and “Learn to control ego.”